Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Rain clouds

Its Raining. Misty rain. drizzle. Its cloudy.
I hate rain. Others find it cozy and comforting but I find it depressing. I get tired and sluggish and morose and quiet and suppressed. Depressed. I hate it.
Today on the way to bring my son to school I passed 2 accidents. Slick roads. Just what I need I sighed. Getting in an accident in the early am with coffee breath, frizzled bed head, raccoon eyes from an unwashed face and my pink fuzzy slippers on. I always forget to put on shoes when we run out of the door in the morning.
I need the sun to come back.

Although as a little bonus to help me through the day, there was a huge arch of a rainbow right over our house. We could see it 3-D as we drove under it. It was a marvel indeed. It was huge and awe inspiring.I've never seen a rainbow that close before. It was almost touchable. It was like driving through a cloud but it was color. If any of you have seen the Disney light show you will know that they show a special type of movie on the spray mist of water...It was just like that, like a projection of color on the rain mist. It was a fantastic way to start the day..........

It almost made up for the fact that my son casually mentioned as we were driving that I needed to give him $500 today for his school band trip..........

I wonder if that is why the OTHER two cars were crashed along side the road too?


Maria said...

I saw a rainbow the other day too and was just astonished. I mean, WINTER in Nebraska? And a rainbow? It hadn't even rained and we won't see rain for another two months, we are still in snow mode. I just stared with my mouth open.

I, too, sometimes wear slippers to take my daughter to school. And once I accidentally wore two different shoes....

pixielyn said...

oh my Maria! That's funny! I havent worn two different shoes but I've worn blue tights with a black and white outfit once cuz I wasnt paying too good of attention.

Rainbow: Isnt it magical to see something wonderful like that unexpectedly??